It's been a while since my last post, as I've had a very busy month! This is greatly due to the fact that at the beginning of the month I entered my third decade, so the last few weeks have been full of fun and frolics with lots of celebrations! It all began at the end of August with an amazing holiday with my family where we travelled on the Costa Neo Romantica cruise ship stopping at Amsterdam, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Oslo and Le Harvre. We had an amazing time and I have completely fallen in love with Denmark and Norway, so more trips will hopefully be planned soon! Back at home I have been lucky enough to have had a number of birthday parties and a trip to the Peak District where I cycled with some of my oldest friends along the Tissington Trail. It was a beautiful sunny day and I can't think of a better way to celebrate being 30! (The photo of me below was taken by one of my friends as she rode along - great job!) It's not just been play though, as I have also b...