Camelot Fabrics Instagram Take Over (Part 3)

OK – time to be brave! The sewing machine is out! As this collection contains two Union Jack inspired prints, I have decided to make a reversible 1940’s style headscarf, a fashion that is very much back right now! I have adapted this project from one I found on – You can check it out for full instructions, or follow my simplified instructions here: 1) Cut two pieces of contrasting fabric 38.5” X 4”, which includes ¼” seam allowance. I have used my ‘ Flag in blue ’ fabric for one piece and ‘ Crown in white ’ fabric for the other. 2) Place the two pieces right sides together and fold in half lining up the short edges. Mark the centre of the short edges with a pin. Mark 5” down on each side and create an arc shape - cut out as shown. 3) / 4) Pin the fabric all the way around, but on one long edge mark a gap of 2” which you do not pin and will not be sewn yet. 5) Sew around the edge, but remember to leave the 2” gap in...